We offer the Highest Quality Affordable Architectural Advice, on almost every aspect of a building.
Broadly speaking, architecture as a service is only available to people who belong to rich sections of the society. Concept architects are often more concerned with the aesthetic aspects of creating a great design for their portfolio. Whereas practical architects merely consider the financial viewpoint and try to assess the fees, terms of engagements and profitability of undertaking small projects.
Even when the homeowners and small businesses all over the UK have a desire to engage an architect for their building-related needs, mainstream architecture practices are neither accessible nor interested in small projects. ArchiPal market research has found that there is a gap of perception between ‘what an architect thinks a client wants’ and ‘what the client actually wants’.
Unlike architects, who tend to justify fees with design and preconstruction work, residential clients relate fees more with onsite service during construction. Leaving the clients vulnerable, this gap is currently fulfilled by cowboy design and build companies involved in building activity. ArchiPal identifies this as a potential opportunity to capitalise for the benefit of buyers and sellers of building-related services.
“Yet according to a recent McKinsey report, construction is rated as one of the least digitised industries in the economy. Indeed, both construction and architecture were described as industries that are ‘ripe for disruption’ by the IHS Global Projects Database, which found that projects routinely take 20 percent longer to finish than originally scheduled and run up to 80 percent over budget. However, many small, recently formed architecture practices are learning lessons from the startup culture of the tech and digital industries and placing innovation at the heart of their approach to work. In an unsettling economic climate experiencing rapid technological advances, having the flexibility to shift direction is invaluable. Small startups are perfectly positioned to not only respond to changes but to drive them. (RIBA article by Ros James and Tomas Millar, 2018)”

Following from this ArchiPal – Rent an architect will place the digital innovation at the heart of its business model with radically transforming how architectural consultancy service is delivered to the clients.
Likewise, ArchiPal will place itself at the forefront of the use of technology for the advancement of the discipline, teaching its members how to incorporate new technologies into their workflows, and utilise digital innovation to deliver projects on budget and time.
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