What 50 final year students of architecture have to say?

An educator should know when to stop…

Architecture is a diverse subject, it is a process of planning, designing, or constructing a structure, for a sustainable and reliable product of all these process, an architect should be able to understand the diversity of the subject.

To shape a student into an architect is not a cup of tea, teachers cannot create one’s own architectural style, though they guide the students towards the path of planning and designing. It’s a tricky path for the educators to teach students about the part which could actually help them to know how they can start the process of designing and planning, step by step. An educator should know when to stop and let the students to work out the problems on their own. Working out on the problems on their own self will help the students to be more creative and open-minded towards a problem rather than getting spoon filled will destroy their creativity.

Architecture is very different from all other subjects because it is taught from the very starting point, Just like we learned how to write and draw when we were children, in the same way architect student is taught from the very starting point. Therefore it becomes very crucial for the architect to teach the student in a way that he or she could understand the language of architecture and also develop its own design and creativity at the same point . They should also be able to understand others point of view, architectural philosophies and architectural styles.

Theoretical and practical architecture are two different parts of the two different worlds therefore it’s a duty of an architect to teach its students the difference and the practicality of both the worlds of architecture.

Edited by SIMRAN DEO on Feb 18, 2021, 1:34:30 PM